Friday, February 23, 2007


[as Cosmo listens to "It Must Be Him" in the next room]
Rose: Now he's going to play that damn Vicki Carr record, and when he comes to bed he won't touch me.

[Cosmo is trying to wake up his wife Rose]
Cosmo: Rose. Rose. Rose! Rose!
[She wakes up]
Rose: Who's dead?

Ronny: This was painted by Marc Chagall. And, as you can see, he was a very great artist.
Loretta: It's kind of little gaudy, don't you think?
Ronny: Well, he was havin' some fun.

Cosmo: A man understands one day that his life is built on nothing - and that's a bad, crazy day.

Ronny: I love you.
Loretta: [slaps him twice] Snap out of it!

Cosmo: I can't sleep any more. It's too much like death.

[Loretta announces to her parents she's going to marry Johnny]
Cosmo: I don't like him.
Rose: You're not going to marry him, Cosmo. Do you love him, Loretta?
Loretta: No.
Rose: Good.
[She looks at Cosmo]
Rose: When you love them they drive you crazy because they know they can.

Ronny: You ruined my life.
Loretta: That's impossible! It was ruined when I got here! *You* ruined *my* life!

Cosmo: You'll have your eyes opened for you, my friend.
Johnny: I have my eyes open.
Cosmo: Oh yeah? Well, stick around. Don't go on any long trips.
Johnny: I don't know what you mean.
Cosmo: I know you don't. That's the point. I'll say no more.
Johnny: You haven't said anything!
Cosmo: And that's all I'm saying.

Loretta: You ruined my life!
Ronny: No, I didn't.
Loretta: Oh, yes, you did! Oh, yes, you did! Y'know, you got them bad eyes, like a gypsy, and I don't know why I didn't see it yesterday. Bad luck! That's what it is. Is that all I'm ever gonna have? I should have taken a rock and killed myself years ago!

Rose: My mother has a saying. Do you want to hear it?
Perry: Sure.
Rose: Don't shit where you eat!

Loretta: I'm getting married.
Cosmo: Again?
Loretta: Yeah.
Cosmo: You did this once before, it didn't work out.
Loretta: The guy died!

Loretta: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been two months since my last confession.
Priest: What sins have you to confess?
Loretta: Twice I took the name of the Lord in vain, once I slept with the brother of my fiancé, and once I bounced a check at the liquor store, but that was really an accident.
Priest: Then it's not a sin. But... what was that second thing you said, Loretta?

Ronny: Everything seems like nothing to me now, 'cause I want you in my bed. I don't care if I burn in hell. I don't care if you burn in hell. The past and the future is a joke to me now. I see that they're nothing. I see they ain't here. The only thing that's here is you - and me.

Old Crone: You have someone on that plane?
Loretta: Yeah, my fiancé.
Old Crone: [angry] I put a curse on that plane. My sister is on that plane. I put a curse on that plane that it's gonna explode, burn on fire and fall into the sea. Fifty years ago, she stole a man from me. S'aprice l'uomo! Today she tells me that she never loved him, that she took him to be strong on me. Now she's going back to Sicily. Di returne Sicilia! I cursed her that the green Atlantic water should swallow her up!
Loretta: I don't believe in curses.
Old Crone: [shrugging] Eh, neither do I.

Johnny: In time you will see that this is the best thing.
Loretta: In time you'll drop dead and I'll come to your funeral in a red dress!

Old Man: [uncomfortable silence at kitchen table] Someone, tell a joke...

Rose: Why do men chase women?
Johnny: Well, there's a Bible story... God... God took a rib from Adam and made Eve. Now maybe men chase women to get the rib back. When God took the rib, he left a big hole there, where there used to be something. And the women have that. Now maybe, just maybe, a man isn't complete as a man without a woman.
Rose: [frustrated] But why would a man need more than one woman?
Johnny: I don't know. Maybe because he fears death.
[Rose looks up, eyes wide, suspicions confirmed]
Rose: That's it! That's the reason!
Johnny: I don't know...
Rose: No! That's it! Thank you! Thank you for answering my question!

Ronny: Chrissy, over on the wall, bring me the big knife. I want to cut my throat.

Ronny: Loretta, I love you. Not like they told you love is, and I didn't know this either, but love don't make things nice - it ruins everything. It breaks your heart. It makes things a mess. We aren't here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are perfect. The stars are perfect. Not us. Not us! We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and *die*. The storybooks are *bullshit*. Now I want you to come upstairs with me and *get* in my bed!

[Loretta accepts to marry Ronny instead of Ronny's brother Johnny, her ex-fiancé, in front of her family. Loretta's grandfather, the Old Man, starts to cry]
Cosmo: What's the matter, Pop?
Old Man: [crying] I'm confused!

Rose: Do you love him, Loretta?
Loretta: Aw, ma, I love him awful.
Rose: Oh, God, that's too bad.

Rose: I just want you to know no matter what you do, you're gonna die, just like everybody else.
Cosmo: Thank you, Rose.

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